Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ten ways to protect water resources

The proceeding information was summarized from the Fall 1994 edition of Watershed Protection Techniques, Volume 1, Number 3 and was provided by the Perkiomen Watershed Conservancy.

1. Maintain open, forested floodplains. (Filling floodplains shortchanges the filtering power of natural areas and increases flooding elsewhere.)

2. Plant trees and maintain stream-side buffers. (Stream-side trees and native vegetation help filter storm water run-off and help hold streambank soils in place.)

3. Promote clustering where new development is likely. (Clustered developments require less pavement for roads and sidewalks and keep more of the overall parcel as natural open space.)

4. Disconnect your downspout from the street drain. (Rainwater from your roof is just as damaging to creeks and streams as run-off from a parking lot. Let your yard help filter out impurities and infiltrate storm water back into your aquifer.)

5. Convert large yards or public spaces from mown grass to meadows. (The typical suburban lawn is nearly as impervious as a parking lot. Native meadow grasses infiltrate storm water better and provide critical habitat for grassland birds.)

6. Convert a corner of your yard to a rain garden. (A wet area in your yard can be considered a nuisance or an amenity, depending on how you manage it. If it's wet, look for native plants that like “wet feet" and create a visual focal point.)

7. Maintain a naturally vegetated edge between creeks and pastures or cultivated fields. (A naturally vegetated stream buffer will filter out excess fertilizers and pesticides from adjacent farm fields.)

8. Cut back on lawn fertilizers and pesticides. (Much of the fertilizer you apply in the spring flows directly into the local creeks because the grass is not ready to absorb it. Set your mower height at 3 inches and use a mulching mower to create a healthy, organic lawn. Fertilize only in the fall.)

9. Pick up after your pets and keep livestock out of streams. (Pet and animal wastes carry many harmful bacteria and possible diseases. They make creeks less amenable to native critters and require expensive water treatment for human uses.)

10. Keep your paved surfaces at a minimum. (Patios and parking spaces can be created with attractive pervious materials that allow storm water infiltration to the soils below.)

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Saturday, October 11, 2008

How to contact your state representatives

A list of House and Senate members of the Pennsylvania General Assembly can be found on the General Assembly's Web site,
You can search for which member covers your district by entering your zip code in the box on the top right hand side. Or you can get a county map.

Following are local districts and the representatives followed by their contact information:


130th District: covers Colebrookdale, Birdsboro, Boyertown, Douglass Township (Berks), Earl Township, Exeter, Fleetwood, Oley, Pike Township, Union Township, Amity

Representative: David R. Kessler, Democrat

Hon. David R. Kessler
2 Scholl Drive
Oley, PA 19547
(610) 987-0980
Fax: (610) 987-0798

Hon. David R. Kessler
53 Warwick Street
Boyertown, PA 19512
(610) 369-3010
Fax: (610) 369-3011

Hon. David R. Kessler
115A East Wing
PO Box 202130
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2130
(717) 787-2769
Fax: (717) 780-4768

134th District: covers Bally, Bechtelsville, Hereford, Washington Township, District Township

Representative: Douglas G. Reichley, Republican

Hon. Douglas G. Reichley
1245 Chestnut Street Unit #5
Emmaus, PA 18049
(610) 965-9933
Fax: (610) 965-9174

Hon. Douglas G. Reichley
5 East Wing
PO Box 202134
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2134
(717) 787-1000
Fax: (717) 705-7012

128th District: covers Robeson, Exeter, Wyomissing, Wyomissing Hills, Spring Township, Shillington, New Morgan, Mohnton, Caernarvon, Cumru

Representative: Sam Rohrer, Republican

Hon. Sam Rohrer
29 Village Center Drive
Suite A7
Reading, PA 19607
(610) 775-5130
Fax: (610) 775-3736

Hon. Sam Rohrer
45 East Wing
PO Box 202128
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2128
(717) 787-8550
Fax: (717) 783-7862

26th District: covers East Coventry, East Vincent, Elverson, Honey Brook township and borough, North Coventry, Spring City, West Nantmeal, Warwick Township

Representative: Tim Hennessey, Republican

Hon. Tim Hennessey
1038 East Lincoln Highway
Coatesville, PA 19320
(610) 380-8600
Fax: (610) 380-1777

Hon. Tim Hennessey
209 Ryan Office Building
PO Box 202026
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2026
(717) 787-3431
Fax: (717) 705-1849

155th District: covers West Vincent, South Coventry

Representative: Curt Schroder, Republican

Hon. Curt Schroder
315 Gordon Drive
Exton, PA 19341
(610) 524-5595
Fax: (610) 524-5667

Hon. Curt Schroder
41A East Wing
PO Box 202155
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2155
(717) 783-2520
Fax: (717) 705-1994

150th District: covers Collegeville, East Norriton, Lower Providence, Trappe, Upper Providence, West Norriton

Representative: Mike Vereb, Republican

Hon. Mike Vereb
3950 Germantown Pike
Collegeville, PA 19426
(610) 409-2615
Fax: (610) 409-2619

Hon. Mike Vereb
160A East Wing
PO Box 202150
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2150
(717) 705-7164
Fax: (717) 260-6522

146th District: covers West Pottsgrove, Upper Pottsgrove, Royersford, Pottstown, New Hanover, Lower Pottsgrove, Limerick, Royersford,

Representative: Thomas J. Quigley, Republican

Hon. Thomas J. Quigley
1963 East High Street
Suite 100
Pottstown, PA 19464
(610) 326-9563
Fax: (610) 718-5787

Hon. Thomas J. Quigley
51A East Wing
PO Box 202146
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2146
(717) 772-9963
Fax: (717) 772-2434

147th District:
covers Douglas (Mont.), East Greenville, Lower Frederick, New Hanover, Red Hill, Salford, Schwenksville, Skippack, Upper Frederick, Upper Hanover, Upper Salford, Green Lane, Perkiomen Township,

Representative: Bob Mensch, Republican

Hon. Bob Mensch
105 Memorial Drive
Schwenksville, PA 19473
(610) 287-4181
Fax: (610) 287-4182

Hon. Bob Mensch
160B East Wing
PO Box 202147
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2147
(717) 787-6937
Fax: (717) 260-6522

157th District: covers West Norriton, Lower Providence, Phoenixville, Schuylkill Township

Representative: Paul J. Drucker, Democrat

Hon. Paul J. Drucker
323 Irvis Office Building
PO Box 202157
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2157
(717) 705-2003

167th District: covers Charlestown, East Pikeland, East Whiteland, Easttown

Representative: Duane Milne, Republican

Hon. Duane Milne
18 E. Lancaster Avenue
Malvern, PA 19355
(610) 251-1070
Fax: (610) 251-1074

Hon. Duane Milne
150A East Wing
PO Box 202167
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2167
(717) 787-8579


44th District: covers West Pottsgrove, West Norriton, Upper Pottsgrove, Skippack, Schwenksville, Royersford, Pottstown, Perkiomen Township, Lower Providence, Lower Pottsgrove, Limerick, Douglas (Mont.), Collegeville, New Morgan, Robeson,

Senator: John C. Rafferty, Republican

Senate Box 203044
Harrisburg, PA 17120-3044
ROOM: 170 Main Capitol
(717) 787-1398

District Office
3770 Ridge Pike
Collegeville, PA 19426
(610) 831-8830

11th District: covers Bally, Bechtelsville, Bern, Bernville, Birdsboro, Boyertown, Colebrookdale, Cumru, District Township, Exeter, Earl, Hereford, Longswamp, Mohnton, Pike, Shillington, Ruscombmanor, St. Lawrence, Topton, Washington Township

Senator: Michael O'Pake, Democrat

Senate Box 203011
Harrisburg, PA 17120-3011

District Office
1940 North Thirteenth Street
Suite 232
Reading, PA 19604

19th District: Charlestown Township, East Coventry, East Vincent, Phoenixville, Spring City, Tredyffrin, West Vincent

Senator: Andrew E. Dinniman, Democrat

Senate Box 203019
Harrisburg, PA
(717) 787-5709

One North Church Street
West Chester, PA 19380
(610) 692-2112

48th District: covers Elverson

Senator: Mike Folmer, Republican

Senate Box 203048
Harrisburg, PA 17120-3048
(717) 787-5708

District Offices
101 Municipal Building
400 S. 8th Street
Lebanon, PA 17042
(717) 274-7705

509 W. Penn Avenue
Robesonia, PA 19551
(610) 693-3200

18 East High Street
Elizabethtown, PA 17022
(717) 361-8623
FAX: (717) 367-2370

24th District: covers East Greenville, Green Lane, Lower Frederick, Lower Salford, Marlborough, New Hanover, Red Hill, Upper Hanover

Senator: Robert Wonderling, Republican

Senate Box 203024
Harrisburg, PA 17120-3024
(717) 787-3110

427 West Main Street
Lansdale, PA 19446
(215) 368-1500
